Baby Charlotte
Birth photography is my one true love, and it is always an immense honor and privilege to join families on one of the most important days of their lives and to document the moments that memory will blur. To watch people become parents, to draw on their deepest strength, is a miraculous transformation.
Baby oliver
While all babies have a special birth story to tell, Oliver’s is about emerging to a slightly darker world: little Ollie was born at the peak of the eclipse.
Baby Imogen
You will never forget the first moment you met your baby, but photos help you remember all of the rest of your birth story.
Birth photography is an investment
Birth photography is an investment. An investment in yourself, in the opportunity to document your strength, your power and vulnerability. In the lasting testament to those moments of joy, intensity, and anguish, along with support, perseverance, love, wisdom, doubt, wonder, and awe. Birth is all of these things and even more…
Thinking about birth photography? How and why to hire a birth photographer…
As we approach the coming anniversary of my older daughter’s Birth Day, I’ve been thinking again about the value and importance of birth photography.
Reason #1: Evolution demands that we forget broad swathes of labor and so you won’t remember everything about this most significant and momentous process. The power of a photograph is that photos shape our memories of an event and experience when memory fades, and my role as a photographer is to curate your images to hold your memories.
Birth photography, part 2
I always knew that I was born at home and that there was documentation of the event, but I was in my mid-20s before I felt ready to watch the video – soundless, grainy and dark – and I wished that I had watched it sooner. Getting to see myself in those earliest moments of my own life was so incredibly surreal and marvelous.
Baby Cameron
Cameron was a 10.5 pound baby born on his due date, one week before the world imploded in March 2020.
Baby Seeley
Seeley was baby #3 for this mom, and she was born on a calm and cool December afternoon.
Birth Photography: 2 Ways
Labor and birth are such dream-states, so profound and monumental - these birth photos are testament to the love and the work that can change the world. I am thrilled and honored to have been present when these kiddos made their entrance and to capture these moments when life was forever-after different for everyone involved.
Baby Lillia
Lillia was a rocket second baby, born within an hour after I arrived at the hospital.